FieldWise Pump/Flow Monitor
FieldWise Zempat5 (Z5)
UMC Centre Drive 3/4 H.P. Ratio 50:1
UMC Center Drive 1.5 H.P. Ratio 25:1
Turf Tyre for Centre Pivot, Center pivot tyre options,
LEPA Close Spacing Sprinkler
UMC Motor Covers
Zimmatic Valley Style Tower Boxes & Components
After-Market Collector Ring
5HP Booster Pump
Pivot Tower Lights
Limit Switch for End Gun Section Control
Center Pivot Parts
Center Pivot Irrigation Parts
AgnFlow offers a range of irrigation parts for both new and old systems in Victoria, NSW, Tasmania, South Australia and Queensland.
If you have an older centre pivot or lateral move irrigation system and are looking for irrigation parts, we can adapt new electrical components and align them with your older system.
We offer centre pivot parts for well renowned brands including:
Valley – Zimmatic – Bauer – Irrifrance – Otech – TL – Reinke – Rainfine – Pierce – Tyco.
We offer gear boxes, irrigation drive components, control panels, collector rings, tower boxes, tyres, end guns and boost pumps to suit most brands, as well as irrigation span parts and other steel work.
Agnflow specialise in old style Reinke system parts and provide a full range of E60 system parts and retro fit options.
Contact us to find out more about what kind of irrigation parts we stock, or for more information about what kind of parts you require.